Nintendo Wii

qHD vs QHD

qHD vs QHD
Both qHD and QHD are popular HD viewing formats. However, the differences between the two are not as subtle as the capitalization of an alphabet in their titles.

qHD vs HD

qHD vs HD
Both qHD and HD are formats used to display high quality images on an HD enabled screen. However, both these formats differ in their resolutions and coverage of devices.

qHD vs Full HD

qHD vs Full HD
qHD stands for quarter high definition, and is one fourth of full high definition, or full HD, hence the name qHD. Both these resolutions differ in terms of their measurement as well.

Nintendo Wii vs Xbox-360

Nintendo Wii vs Xbox-360
Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 are game consoles, which are produced and developed by Nintendo and Microsoft companies, respectively.

Nintendo Wii vs PS3

Nintendo Wii vs PS3
Nintendo Wii and PS3 are video game consoles. Technically, on the market level both these game consoles are competitors of each other. Nintendo Wii is a Nintendo company products, whereas PS3 (commonly known...


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