301 Redirect vs 302 Redirect

301 Redirect vs 302 Redirect
301 Redirect is simply the code to tell the web browser that the website has shifted to a permanent new location. The 302 Redirect code tells the web browser that the website has temporarily shifted to a new...

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO tactics and strategies are those optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that are considered acceptable and ethical by the search engines, especially by Google. Black Hat SEO tactics and...

Local SEO vs Organic SEO

Local SEO vs Organic SEO
As the name suggests, Local SEO is SEO that is localized. It is geographically linked and it targets audiences in a localized area. Organic SEO refers to SEO that happens organically, i.e. naturally. It means...

Facebook Page vs Facebook Group

Facebook Page vs Facebook Group
Facebook Pages were primarily made for corporate companies, products and brands. Groups are a platform where people can come together and create a small community in which they can share ideas, create a...

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