UK English

Complementary vs Complimentary

Complementary vs Complimentary
Complementary refers to something that completes or goes with something else. Complimentary refers to something that praises or says something nice about something else.

Compliment vs Complement

Compliment vs Complement
The two words, ‘compliment’ and ‘complement’ are that sound the same but have different spelling and actually mean different things. ‘Compliment’ means to praise or say something nice, whereas ‘Complement’...

Oxford Dictionary vs Cambridge Dictionary

Oxford Dictionary vs Cambridge Dictionary
The main difference between the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries is that the Oxford Dictionary is published by the Oxford University Press, whereas the Cambridge Dictionary is published by the Cambridge...

American Accent vs British Accent

American Accent vs British Accent
The American Accent is easier to understand than the British Accent. It is also the most commonly used accent in the world; however, the British Accent is more idolized and considered to be sexy.

Program vs Programme

Program vs Programme
The simplest answer is that they are both the same; there is no real difference between the two. The reason for two different spellings is that American English uses ‘program’, whereas UK English generally...


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