Difference between Selendang and Tudung

Key difference: Selendang and tudung are two different kinds of clothing that are available to Islamic women. Both, tudung and kerudung are part of the traditional Islamic hijab. It is a scarf which is used to cover the head, including hair and ears. It usually does not cover the face. A selendang is also a scarf; however it is used mainly as an accessory, rather than a strict religious headwear. It can be loosely draped around the shoulders or around the head. It need not cover the hair or the ears.

Selendang and tudung are two different kinds of clothing that are available to Islamic women. Islamic women wear these cloths as a form of protection. They also act as a sign of modesty. Many claim that this clothing is decreed by the Islamic religion, culture and norms. Hence, many are times women are forced to wear these clothing in front of men by the social norms, elders and peers. However, many women choose to wear these clothing to represent their own belief in their religion and culture. They are worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty, privacy, and morality.

In Malay, the term ‘tudung’ or ‘tudong’ literally means ‘cover’, however in English it is translated to mean ‘headscarf’ or ‘veil’. It is often worn by women in Islamic communities in Malaysia and Brunei. In Indonesia, the word, ‘kerudung’ may also be used.

Both, tudung and kerudung are part of the traditional Islamic hijab. It is a scarf which is used to cover the head, including hair and ears. It usually does not cover the face.

Many modern types of tudungs have a sewn-in curved visor, which aims to protect the wearer from the direct sunlight. In Malaysia and Brunei, the tudung is part of the standard dress code for office work, school uniforms and formal occasions.

A selendang is also a scarf; however it is used mainly as an accessory, rather than a strict religious headwear. It can be loosely draped around the shoulders or around the head. It need not cover the hair or the ears.

Essentially, a selendang works as a laid back alternative to a tudung. It is mainly worn by women who do not wear a tudung on a daily basis but need to cover their head on occasion, such as at a religious gathering. However, due to the popularity of the selendang, it is now more common to see women donning it as a fashion accessory rather than a religious headwear. The term selendang, like tudung is mainly popular and used in communities in South East Asia.

Image Courtesy: tudung-layer-chiffon.blogspot.com, ncc-collections.blogspot.com

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