Difference between Jogging and Running on Treadmill

Key Difference: Jogging refers to running or trotting at a slow or gentle pace. It is as an effective form of aerobic exercise. On the other hand, running on a treadmill involves a machine called as a treadmill. Treadmill is a machine or equipment which consists of a surface known as the treadmill belt. People use it to simulate the same action of walking or running outside by using this moving belt of a treadmill. Jogging and running on a treadmill, both are good for calorie burning. Jogging is preferred as it is an outdoor activity, which makes it more challenging. On the other hand, one can run on a treadmill without being effected by outside weather.

Jogging refers to running or trotting at a slow or gentle pace. It is as an effective form of aerobic exercise. Jogging is considered to be a high impact exercise as it places strain on the body, particularly at the joints of the knee. Many people include it in their exercise routine due to its advantages. It boosts the cardiovascular fitness and also strengthens bones.

It is always advised to start jogging with a warm-up session. The best way of jogging is to make sure that heel touches the ground first. It should be followed by the ball of the foot and later by pushing off with front of foot.

Treadmill is a machine or equipment which consists of a surface known as the treadmill belt. People use it to simulate the same action of walking or running outside by using this moving belt of a treadmill. These indoor machines are generally found in gyms. However, may people buy and keep them at their house to use them. There are many types of treadmills. Generally, they are either manual or motorized. Unlike manual treadmill, motorized treadmill’s motor turn on its own power beneath the feet and operates the belt.

Jogging and running on treadmill, which is better? This question often arises between the fitness freaks or those who want to get into the active routine system. Both have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. For jogging, apart from good jogging sneakers, one does not need to spend money. However, treadmills are comparatively very expensive. Jogging is an outdoor activity, and thus it is very much dependent on climate conditions. However, for using a treadmill, one does not need to worry about the weather outside and one can use it at any time of preference. Generally, treadmills have attached monitors to display various information like heart rate, calories burn, etc. One can also watch T.V. while working out on a treadmill.

Jogging is considered to be a bit tougher than running on a treadmill as it does not provide a constant running surface or environment like a  treadmill. Joggers face issues like terrain and resistance from wind. The surface of the treadmill is flat, and therefore knees get a lesser impact. Jogging tends to be more vigorous than running on a treadmill due to environment factors; it is also considered as a better calorie burner than running on treadmill (Similar speed and duration). However, one can adjust the inclination and pace on treadmills to burn more calories.

Comparison between Jogging and Running on Treadmill:



Running on Treadmill


Jogging refers to running or trotting at a slow or gentle pace. It is as an effective form of aerobic exercise.

Treadmill is a machine or equipment which consists of a surface known as the treadmill belt. People use it to simulate the same action of walking or running outside by using this moving belt of a treadmill.


Cost effective

Needs to purchase the machine or the gym fees

Level of difficulty

Considered to be difficult due to wind resistance

No wind resistance, and in this context, it can be considered easier than jogging


  • No effect of weather
  • Advanced machines can be programmed to simulate goal race course
  • It provides the comfort of home or gym
  • Provides ability to set a pace and to maintain it
  • Most of the treadmills have different profiles to choose from
  • Joggers get the natural light and oxygen
  • It is regarded as an effective natural method to lose weight
  • Choices regarding routes and surfaces
  • No cost
  • More close to nature



  • It lacks the development of fine sense of pacing
  • Sometimes, it can be boring to run with the same surroundings
  • Same type of surface
  • Risk of stepping off the moving belt
  • Dependent on the weather
  • Risk of stepping off the sidewalk and twisting or fracturing the ankle
  • Jogging on hills can increase stress on knees and ankles


Image Courtesy: cookinglight.com, whatisbesttreadmill.com

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