

DSL stands for ‘digital subscriber line’. It is a broad term that a digital high-speed data connection over telephone lines. ADSL stands for ‘Asymmetric digital subscriber line’. It is a type of DSL technology...

EULA vs Terms of Use

EULA vs Terms of Use
EULA, which stands for end-user license agreement, is a type of license agreement that details how a product or service can and can’t be used. Terms of Use are a set of rules and regulations that the user must...

Privacy Policy vs Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy vs Terms and Conditions
A Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that discloses to the audience that their information in being collected by the website or app. Terms and Conditions are a set of rules and guidelines that...

Privacy Policy vs Disclaimer

Privacy Policy vs Disclaimer
The Privacy Policy should inform the site visitors about the fact that the website will collect the data, as well as what data will be collected and what the data will be used for. A Disclaimer is a statement...

DMCA Takedown

DMCA Takedown
DMCA Takedown can refer to the actual taking down of the content, or to the entire process of initiating a takedown of content that originally belongs to you and is used without your permission.


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