Social Science

Recession vs Depression

Recession vs Depression
The economy enters into a recession when there is a general slowdown in economic activity. This entails that there is a widespread drop in consumer spending. Some economists claim that an economy enters into a...

GDP vs National Income

GDP vs National Income
GDP is used to calculate all the products or services that are produced within a country’s boundaries and is a small part of the National income. On the other hand, national income is the sum of all the income...

Supply vs Demand

Supply vs Demand
In basic economics, supply is the amount of a certain products that the producer is willing and able to sell it at a certain price, if all other factors are constant. Demand is the principle that explains a...

Microevolution vs Macroevolution

Microevolution vs Macroevolution
Microevolution is evolution or changes that occur in human time and are small changes that help organisms adapt to their surroundings. These changes could include color, size, etc. Macroevolution is changes...

Female vs Male Brains

Female vs Male Brains
Male brains are bigger than females. Also, men are predominantly left-brained, which means that they use their left hemisphere more, whereas females use both left and right hemispheres equally.


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