Social Science

Dollar vs Rupee

Dollar is a currency that is used in many western countries and is represented by the ‘$’ sign. Dollar is the common currency of countries such as Australia, Belize, Canada, Hong Kong, Namibia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Brunei and the United States. Rupee is a currency that is used in many eastern countries and is recently represented by the INR sign; it was originally represented by placing Re or Rs in front of the denomination. The Rupee is represents the currencies of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, and formerly those of Burma and Afghanistan.
Being Alone vs Being Lonely

Being alone is a positive state of mind where a person is content with being only with themselves. Being lonely is a negative state of mind where a person feels sad and upset at being left alone. Being alone is the state in which a person can be to calm themselves, recover and overall just be able to figure themselves out. Being lonely is a state that arises from a certain situation in a person’s life that leaves them discontent or heartbroken.
Feelings vs Emotions

Feelings mean anything that can be experienced via touch, smell, sight or any other sensory organ. Emotion is used to describe psychophysiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states.
Men vs Women

Men are said to be better suited to some tasks then women and vice versa. This is why traditional gender roles dictate that men are suited to careers like politics and science, while a women’s place is said to be in a household. While, this is not entirely the case, there is some truth to the matter. Men and women do differ from each other, not only physically, but in brain structures as well.
Ego vs Self

Self and ego are completely different terms depending on what definition you follow. Scientifically, ego is just human nature and is not evil, but justifies what it believes is right, while in religion and spirituality it is considered as evil and diminishing the human’s true self. Similarly, self is considered an uniqueness or an individuality of a person scientifically; however in spirituality is the individual’s one true self or their connection to God.
Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that focuses on studying the habits and finances of individual households. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with economy as a whole, rather than individual markets.
Developed vs Developing Countries

A country is deemed to be developing or developed mainly on the basis of economics, per capita income, industrialization, literacy rate, living standards etc. A developed country has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less developed nations.
Ethnicity vs Race

Race is a classification system that is used by sociologists to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups. This is done on the basis of hereditary physical appearances, geographic ancestry, culture, history, language, ethnicity, and social status. Ethnicity, on the other hand, is a method of classification based upon a common trait of the population, such as a common heritage, a common culture, a shared language or dialect.
Urban vs Rural

Urban areas are defined by faster lifestyle, increased technology and high population density. Rural areas are defined by small-tight knit community, with lack of technology and resources.
Psychologist vs Psychiatrist

Both psychologists and psychiatrists conduct psychotherapy and research, but a psychiatrist is a medical doctor, whereas a psychologist has a Ph.D. A psychiatrist is allowed to prescribe medicine, conduct physical examinations, order and interpret laboratory tests, and order brain imaging studies. A psychologist is not.
Recession vs Depression

The economy enters into a recession when there is a general slowdown in economic activity. This entails that there is a widespread drop in consumer spending. Some economists claim that an economy enters into a depression if and when the fall in GDP is more than 10%, and if it continues for more than 2-3 years.
GDP vs National Income

GDP is used to calculate all the products or services that are produced within a country’s boundaries and is a small part of the National income. On the other hand, national income is the sum of all the income a country makes including GDP, GNP, GNI and income from abroad.
Supply vs Demand

In basic economics, supply is the amount of a certain products that the producer is willing and able to sell it at a certain price, if all other factors are constant. Demand is the principle that explains a consumer’s desire and willingness to purchase a certain good and the amount of money that they will spend on that product. Demand represents the quantity of the product or service that is desired by the buyers.
Microevolution vs Macroevolution

Microevolution is evolution or changes that occur in human time and are small changes that help organisms adapt to their surroundings. These changes could include color, size, etc. Macroevolution is changes that occur in geological time, more like 500-1000 years. They comprise of microevolution that takes place overtime.
Female vs Male Brains

Male brains are bigger than females. Also, men are predominantly left-brained, which means that they use their left hemisphere more, whereas females use both left and right hemispheres equally.


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